Day 5 of the National Age Group Championships.

Lucy Wood competed in the Girls 4x100m Medley relay for DX. The FAB FOUR regional champion girls swam incredible splits with a very exciting final to win the BRONZE MEDAL 5.87 seconds faster than their regional victory in a time of 4.34.01, the team of LUCY WOOD (1.09.05), SARAH VASEY (1.17.01), HANNAH JONES (1.06.42) and EVE FARNSWORTH (1.01.53). The girls swam their hearts out and throughout the course of the medley relay, swam some amazing splits. This is the first nationals for 3 out of the 4 girls and they have all come within the top 11 swimmers in the country in their individual events...this is an awesome start to their national swiimming and testament to their teamwork, skill, passion and commitment.